Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Self portrait Tuesday- Enclosed spaces

I have been enclosed in my thoughts these past few weeks. Feeling reclusive, introspective and quiet. I have been attempting to sort out a few things and make mental plans for the future. I have been hiding in my mind, letting few in to disrupt my silent reverie.

Sometimes, when I have a lot on my mind, I get quite reclusive. I don't feel like talking, writing, going out or interacting at all. This past two weeks has been that way for me.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My show

I am home from my show.

It was a wonderful opening (despite the massive cold I developed the previous morning...hello stress), and a lot of people came.

It was a strange feeling not knowing many people. I guess that will become a more common experience as I show in different states and places where I have not lived. I was able to walk around and watch people look at my paintings and discussing them without their knowing I was the artist. It was fun to be so incognito!

I was in one of the artist’s studios in the back with a friend while she set up a time to have a cast of her nipple made in silver to turn into a pendant when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and say a sweet smiling face that I kept thinking looked familiar. It was one of my oldest and dearest friends that flew out to surprise and support me. It is funny how when you see someone so out of context, it takes a minute for your brain to figure it out. It was amazing to have her there!!! I was blown away by her show of love and friendship; she is such an amazing friend.

So, I huddled with her, my other dear friend from art school and a few of her friends and watched the show while I sucked on cough drops and drank wine (don't try it).

You can check out some pics at http://www.kayogallery.com There is a slide show of pictures from the opening night that should be up soon (it is currently still last month's show) and there are a few examples of my paintings.

I feel proud of the work. I am glad that it is done. I am ready to move on to new work and new things. I started a new painting last night and it felt great to be working again.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Off to my show!!

Tomorrow morning...EARLY...I am off to my show!

It is finally here. It feels so wonderful to be done with the work and to like the way it turned out. I am so excited to see them all hung and lit in the gallery.

I am getting nervous about the opening tomorrow night. The chatting with gallery goers. I get very shy and self-conscious but it is part of the process.

Now I have to figure out what to do next!

Wish me luck...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Self portrait Tuesday- Enclosed spaces

Me enclosed in an embrace.

One of my favorite places to be is locked in the tight embrace of my boy. He gives the best hugs and I always feel loved and completely accepted. Kids have a wonderful way of loving their parents just as they are, in fact they don't really like it when we change things about ourselves. He is the love of my life!!

My son was my date to our cousin's wedding on Friday night, this photo is from that night. He was a great date, swing dancing with me and giving me tons of hugs!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday Scribblings- Who can I still be?

Who can I still be, that is a great question and one I have been contemplating for weeks now.

I can be a person that is no longer afraid. I can face life’s adventures and challenges with an open mind and heart. I can use the unique opportunities that I am being given to create a glorious life. To help others and raise awareness on issues that need attention and connect with people most people never meet or even think about.

I will own that I deserve abundance and it is ok to accept it, there is no shame in it. It is right to love oneself and someday I will do this fully. I can allow myself to rest more, be still more and fully embrace the need for stillness.

I can accept that I don’t have to have all the answers right now, they will be shown to me in due time. I can trust the flow of life and just relax and enjoy the ride. I can cherish each moment.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

One of my favorite writers/poets is Oscar Wilde. I find his wit and insights nothing short of brilliant. When we were in Paris recently we visited his grave. To my amazement it was covered in kisses. I was deeply moved by it. While showing my photos to friends, I have had several commented on the pictures and thought it was odd and/or disturbing. I found it touching. I was moved that a man who in his time was treated so poorly for living an alternative lifestyle is still so beloved by so many. His insights and humor are still relevant today. So, here are a few quotes for you to enjoy!

Women are meant to be loved,
not understood.

Anyone can sympathize
with the sufferings of a friend;
it requires a very fine nature
to sympathize with a friend’s

Consistency is the
last refuge of the

No great artist ever sees
things as they really are
if he did, he would cease
to be an artist.

Society often
forgives the criminal,
but it never forgives
the dreamer.

We are all in the gutter,
but some of us are looking
at the stars.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Self portrait Tuesday- Enclosed spaces

Today I am enclosed in my thoughts.




Today I am quiet. Reflecting on all that is going on in life and all that is to come.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It’s time to take a closer look.

It’s time to take a few minutes and focus on my life and all the wonderful things in it. I haven’t made time for a gratitude list in far too long. Inspired by the beautiful Boho, I watched The Secret last night. I reminded me how important gratitude, joy, and the quality of our thoughts are.

We manifest our lives daily, hourly, and from moment to moment!!

I have spent much of the last year in a self-imposed exile. Hiding in my studio with my paint and my pain. Peeling back layers of protection that I had spent years building up. Loosing my dad made me look at my life; what was working, what was not, what I really want and what I no longer will tolerate. I tied the process closely with the creation of the paintings for my show.

The paintings are complete, ready to be wrapped up and shipped out to the gallery. Hopefully, they will find new homes, new people to interact with and lead their own lives. I am releasing them. I am letting go.

It seems like the perfect time to release old thought patterns, to stop being mean to myself and doubting myself so much. To turn the life I am manifesting to joy, lightness, play, beauty, and service.

To that end, I am blowing off the dust from my happy thoughts. It is ok to feel good. It is ok to like myself, to trust my instincts and to move on. I think my dad would approve.

Today I am thankful for:

My family. I feel so fortunate in my choice of husband. He is really the most supportive and loving of partners and he is always there for me. He let’s me have my way most of the time, always a good thing ☺ and he is helping create the most exciting and challenging life! I know he causes me to grow and be stronger that I would be without him. My son is a miracle!! He is smart, loving, creative and just pure JOY! I really feel like I was given a blessed little star baby to watch over and guide. I cannot wait to see how he uses his amazing intelligence and tremendous opportunity and exposure in his life. I see good things coming from him!

My friends. Oh my I have some of the most amazing women as friends. I am always in awe of you and learning from you and so thankful to have you in my life!!! I think there is nothing greater that the power of women supporting each other, helping each other to reach our dreams, to process our emotions and navigate this gift called life. I would love to write about you all but it would be a novel, so as a group and you know who you are…I love and honor you!!

My career. I am so very blessed to be a professional artist. There is no other way I would rather spend my time. I am honored that I can create beauty and send it off to the world. That I have been able to move people through paintings. I plan on only doing better and better work, honest work, more shows, more drawings, amazing clothes. I am so full of ideas and inspiration it is a challenge to keep up with my brain!!

The opportunity to live in Africa. I am choosing to see this as a blessing I have been given. It will be wonderful to be a part of this community, to meet and connect with the people. My son will see that not everyone lives in the same way with the same opportunities, be more aware of his blessings, and be more of a global citizen. I hope we can give back to Africa all that it will give us!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Self portrait Tuesday- Enclosed spaces

This months’ challenge is about enclosed spaces. This is a portrait reflecting the dichotomy of being grounded in the place where you are at this moment, yet an awareness of the next step is beginning to emerge. About being rooted and peaceful in the place you are, the space in which your heart is dwelling and beginning to feel the pull of a new place. A new direction.

The new destination is still a haze, a foggy dream reality but it is drawing nearer.