Uganda Phase 1, part 4
For the past month or more, I have been feeling overwhelmed and very fearful about our upcoming move. It has seemed like an enormous obstacle, a huge mountain of tasks and emotions to master. Like Sisyphus, I have been unable to muster the strength.
Things are changing.
I am beginning to feel a shift, an awakening and an acknowledgement of a destiny that I have always known in my heart was awaiting me. If I am honest then I have to own that this is the life I have created. The one I asked for when I was little. The one I have always known I would live. This is an important paradigm shift for me. It is a move away from victim thinking; from passively accepting this change as my husband's vision to owning that it is mine as well.
When I was a child my father used to talk with me about other cultures and the value of travel. He would share the experiences of his travels and ignited within me my own passion to have similar experiences. We would explore museums looking at artifacts and discussing the places from which they came. I always knew I wanted to visit those places. To see far off lands with my own eyes, smell the air and taste their flavors. I am recognizing that when I began to see myself in all those places as a child, I was laying the groundwork for the path I am walking now.
That does not make it an easy road but I know it is right. I know there is a part for me to play in this drama and I am up to the task.
When I think about my plans, I actually feel my body swell with energy and excitement. I feel like I can accomplish my vision and that it will bring both others and me abundance and joy.
I am ready to meet the challenges ahead because I know the Universe (and some pretty amazing friends) is behind me, supporting me and will provide all that I need.
I have to share how wonderful I think my husband is! He just found out that the CDC liked his project so much that they are contributing to his funding and assigning staff to him!! I am so proud of him and really am in awe of his commitment and intellect. Yeah baby, you are amazing!
I borrowed the pic from