Thursday, October 05, 2006


When the to-do list gets long, the mail stacks up, the stress is too much and challenges too many, it is easy to get stuck in your head. I have been mentally chasing my tail ‘round and ‘round trying to answer questions without all the information, an impossible task. I realized today that I have been so busy THINKING about what is going on in my life that I have forgotten to LIVE

It is time to stop stressing, worrying and THINKING!!!

I need to get back to what makes me feel alive. I need to let go of solutions and trust that I will find the answers. I need to plant the rest of my new plants and watch my garden grow. I need to get back into my studio and finish the paintings I started a few weeks ago and have been shamelessly neglecting. I need to spend a day walking around downtown taking in the cool autumn air, smell of the ocean, new fall clothes and do some serious people watching. I need to sneak away for a matinee showing of The Science of Sleep. I need to sit down with beautiful paper and handwrite letters to friends. I need to spend an afternoon curled up with one of the four books I am currently reading and a cup of piping hot tea. I need to reconnect with me. I miss me!

In short, it is time to wake up. To re-engage with life. To start living!


Blogger boho girl said...

i miss YOU too.

this was a wonderful post. all those things you mentioned are deliciously nurturing and i do hope you make time to take yourself out on those dates. you need it, you deserve it!


love you,

2:35 PM  
Blogger boho girl said...

ps. and was me who mentioned the Science of Sleep. it is adorable. tell me what you think...

2:35 PM  
Blogger Darlene said...

Yes! Letha...then ask yourself out. I'm sure you'll say yes :)

and whatever you do....have a great time!


7:33 PM  
Blogger Susannah Conway said...

i want to go see that film too - can i come with you? then we could go have a bottle of wine afterwards, and have a proper catch up... i miss you xxx

2:04 AM  
Blogger Amber said...

This is the type of post that should be read every so often... especially when things are crazy and you feel 'off'. Thank you for this post, it was much needed.

8:35 AM  

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