It’s time…
I heard a quote once, "it's never too late in fiction or in life, to revise". I dunno who said it but I love it and I think it is time for me to do a little revising. I have been away from posting, away from calling friends and family and just stuck in a mental trap for the last month. I have caught a bad case of the deadly combo of fear and negativity. I have not really written much as I didn’t want to infect anyone with my bleak outlook.
It’s time to shift my perspective. It’s time to focus on what is working and what I am grateful for. Time for a gratitude list. So, with no idea what to say at the start of this list, I am hoping that by the end of it I feel lighter. More grateful, more humble before the Universe for all its gifts.
As always I am grateful for my son. He is such a joy to me and a total gift. Everyday he does or says something extraordinary. I look forward to watching him evolve over the years. My little man!
I am grateful for the best friends a girl can have!! I have the most amazing group of women in my life and some of you I haven’t even seen yet!! I have always loved the camaraderie of women, supporting each other and laughing together. I am so grateful that I have girl friends in my life. Now you all had better come see me in Africa!!
My life is full of adventure, lessons and change. I really honor that my life is moving in a direction that is stripping away all the unnecessary aspects of this crazy world. We are shedding most of our possessions, luxuries and striking out with what really matters. My husband came home the other day and said, “I was thinking we could sell our house, furniture etc then we will free ourselves from worrying about a lot while we are gone. All that matters is that we are together and that we have wonderful experiences” Gulp.
I am grateful for the health of my family and friends.
That I have the opportunity to go to the gym everyday to keep healthy and sane ☺
Ok, that is it for now. Not as long as I would have liked it to be but hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
I wish Carsten and I could pack up our two kitties, one bag each and come live with you, Tay and Dace in Africa. What a dream, eh?
I think I am in denial about you going. Even the thought of it brings me to tears spilling. Hmmm...this probably doesn't help you much, does it? Sorry...I'll try something else.
Just know that I admire your bravery and your dedication...both of you. Oh and I reserve the right to marry our future daughter off to your son.
I love you and have since we had braces. Lets talk soon my sweet.
You are a sweetheart!
Life sometimes gets a little sour, but a little 'sugar' helps
Kiss Kiss Hugs (now that's sugar!)
That's a great list and a good start! well done to you for making it!
I currently live in a small flat with very VERY little 'stuff.' but what I do have (thanks to the generosity and kindness of my parents) is a room in Canada that is still MINE. I think that the idea of selling most of your things is a good one, but speaking as someone who lives in a country that is not her own, it is also good to know that if (and when) you return there is a safe place to come back to, even if it is merely a room in someone else's house, a small apartment, or a stash of furniture in storage. Everyone needs one teeny tiny root to keep them grounded.
LOVE to you!!
P.S. want to talk sometime?!!
Oh gratitude is a terrific place to start.
I love the list-all wonderful things to be grateful about.
I agree with Megg- maybe to have a small place/or rooted area to know is there?
You are brave and I am so happy you are sharing your feelings with us.
Hugs and kisses to you
This is so good my friend. A blessing to take the time to find the gratitude. An important piece in the midst of all that life throws at us.
I am here if you want to chat (hey, we should. tomorrow. save me from a little work for a little while okay?)
love to you,
PS i am going to climb into michelle's suitcase when she visits you. :)
no but all roads lead there, apparently.....!
good to see that you are feeling a little more positive, and that your husband is back with you.
i cannot wait to see all the wonders which will unfold for you over the coming months.
Very heart felt gratitude Letha
You are a sweetie pie :)
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